Marketing and Sales

A very dynamic and always-changing journey at JTI

"JTI is like a rock band - it comes with a strong foundation but never stops experimenting.“
Indeed, values and perceptions are shifting. The world is in constant motion, and at JTI, we move with it, we embrace change and stand for progress.

Meet Isabella, who has moved around the world 8 times in her 15-year JTI career. This isn't unusual for us at JTI - we encourage international experience, and support individuals and families on their adventures as they grow and discover new opportunities. Isabella started as a trainee in Brazil and has gone on to experience roles from Marketing to Sales in a number of countries. She now has a leading regional Marketing role at HQ. For her, it's all about curiosity - that's what has brought her on this dynamic, always-changing, and exciting journey. "You have to have that curiosity, you know?“

Career Journey
If excitement is what you crave in your career, this is the place for you! In 2022, 13% of our employees started a new role. "At JTI, your career is really in your hands - whatever your ambition, the company will support you.“

Marketing Director, Western Europe, HQ

Search results for "". Page 1 of 8, Results 1 to 25 of 198
Title Professional area Country City Sort descending Location
Специалист по развитию территории, Старый Оскол Sales Russian Fed. Старый Оскол Старый Оскол, RU, 00000
Специалист по развитию территории, Переславль-Залесский Sales Russian Fed. Переславль-Залесский Переславль-Залесский, RU, 00000
Специалист по развитию территории, Лабытнанги Sales Russian Fed. Лабытнанги Лабытнанги, RU, 00000
TRADE MARKETEER, Kostanay Sales Kazakhstan Костанай
Sales Kazakhstan Костанай Костанай, KZ, 00000
Специалист по развитию территории, Елец Sales Russian Fed. Елец Елец, RU, 00000
Sales Representative (Pipeline mode)
Sales Representative (Pipeline mode) Sales Netherlands ZEELAND
Sales Netherlands ZEELAND ZEELAND, NL, 00000
Field Promoter Yerevan (Outstaff)
Field Promoter Yerevan (Outstaff) Sales Armenia Yerevan
Sales Armenia Yerevan Yerevan, AM, 00000
Field Promoter, Kotayk region (Outstaff) Sales Armenia Yerevan Yerevan, AM, 00000
Route to Market Associate
Route to Market Associate Sales Myanmar Yangon
Sales Myanmar Yangon Yangon, 06, MM, 00000
Consumer Activation Strategy Manager
Consumer Activation Strategy Manager Marketing Myanmar Yangon
Marketing Myanmar Yangon Yangon, MM, 00000
Training and Development Associate
Training and Development Associate Sales Myanmar Yangon
Sales Myanmar Yangon Yangon, MM, 00000
Consumer Care Coordinator
Consumer Care Coordinator Marketing Poland Warszawa
Marketing Poland Warszawa Warszawa, PL, 00000
Koordynator/-ka ds. Rozwoju Aplikacji Wspierających Sprzedaż Sales Poland Warszawa Warszawa, PL, 00000
Koordynator /-ka ds. Danych i Analiz
Koordynator /-ka ds. Danych i Analiz Sales Poland Warszawa
Sales Poland Warszawa Warszawa, PL, 00000
Retention Coordinator - Koordynator / -ka ds. Retencji Marketing Poland Warszawa Warszawa, PL, 00000
CRM Coordinator - Koordynator /-ka ds. CRM
CRM Coordinator - Koordynator /-ka ds. CRM Marketing Poland Warszawa
Marketing Poland Warszawa Warszawa, PL, 00000
Staż w Dziale Prognozowania Sprzedaży i Planowania Popytu Sales Poland Warszawa Warszawa, MZ, PL, 00-841
NPD Specialist
NPD Specialist Marketing Poland Warsaw
Marketing Poland Warsaw Warsaw, PL, 00000
Koordynator / -ka ds. Trade Marketingu Sales Poland Warsaw Warsaw, PL, 00000
CRM & Retention Manager
CRM & Retention Manager Marketing Poland Warsaw
Marketing Poland Warsaw Warsaw, PL, 00000
NPD Specialist
NPD Specialist Marketing Poland Warsaw
Marketing Poland Warsaw Warsaw, PL, 00000
M&S REPORTING EXPERT Marketing Poland Warsaw
Marketing Poland Warsaw Warsaw, PL, 00000
Koordynator/-ka ds. Trade Marketingu Sales Poland Warsaw Warsaw, PL, 00000
Data Analyst
Data Analyst Marketing Poland Warsaw
Marketing Poland Warsaw Warsaw, PL, 00000
Marketing Poland Warsaw Warsaw, PL, 00000